HB 4005, Common Sense? or Slippery Slope?

HB 4005 is neither common sense nor slippery slope.  Today, the Oregon legislature holds a hearing on HB 4005, the onerous gun transportation and storage bill.


It is not common sense and it is not a slippery slope.  It is a free fall!  We are crashing into branches and boulders on the way down.  Why?  Because if we pass this terrible bill, we are accepting the premise that government controls our property when stored or transported.  Government controls our rights on and about our person.  As the constitution limits the state on this right “…shall not be infringed…,” the state must never limit the citizen in self determination of responsibilities. 

This fight is about individual sovereignty.  If the state can tell the individual when and where to store or carry weapons, the state can do the same with any and every other object you thought you own! 

Supporters of this claim it’s for safety.  I am not doubting sincerity, I’m doubting effectiveness. Safety is always important, but falls below on the hierarchy of values here.  Sadly, neither this law, nor similar laws are effective in reducing violence.  It is not for safety first, it is for compromising the rights of those very supporters.  Supporters are selling out their own rights, my rights and the rights of every other citizen, and our heirs to come!  We must fight this!  Because we are not fighting for our rights only but for the rights of every person everywhere. If we lose the unique freedoms enjoyed by every American citizen here, we have no where else to go. 

The law misconstrues the nature of man.  No matter what happens with HB 4005 in Oregon this year, criminals will find ways to achieve their selfish goals including violence against citizens.  The impulsive will torment the vulnerable.  This is as old as creation. 

The ultimate goal is confiscation!  That way, only government and criminals will have guns.  That may sound redundant.  Those who seek advantage over others, i.e. government and criminals, share this characteristic.  They want to control others to the point of being deadly. 


Regardless of what some say, that their plan falls short of confiscation, (Bloomberg), I don”t believe them.  Every year, more prohibitive and punitive proposals spring from the anti-gun and anti-freedom crowd.  They are never happy and never finished. 

2020 A Brief Response to the State of the Union Speech

“The real test of a man is not when he plays the role that he wants for himself, but when he plays the role destiny has for him.” (Vaclav Havel)

“Discover your purpose in life, then do it on purpose.” (unknown)

A man “…shall not violate his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.” Numbers 30:2b

I appreciated the speech very much for President Trump’s straight up content and delivery. He wasted not the attention of the nation by attacking his angry political opponents. Instead, he forged into the record his many accomplishments, from domestic to foreign.

While opposition scoffed, and behaved without dignity, President Trump stated that he had kept promises. Indeed, his presidency is marked by such kept promises, promises which predecessors for years have made and routinely broken. As an example, I think of his fully recognizing the capitol of Israel by moving our US embassy there. That’s good, and he values the word of the Lord by keeping Numbers 30:2b. Trump does what Trump says he will do.

I was lifted spiritually and emotionally by President Trump’s hopeful remarks. He sees the state of our USA with a hopeful heart. He looks for the best to come. In a statesman like manner, he heralded citizen standouts among both civilian and military, from radio host to sergeant. He seems to look at challenges as a man who not only knows both his capabilities and his limitations, but that bringing others together with him can exceed all our own expectations. Trump has faith, and by reason, he acts. He is a man of action. He wastes not a minute on political fantasies of power, but expresses purpose through action. Thereby, he expresses more statesman like behavior than his opponents. Indeed, his straightforward statements and actions serve to expose what many call the “political swamp.” Their childish antics during this speech are duly noted, but are certainly insalubrious. Trump’s approach is reminiscent of President Reagan, Pope John Paul II and Margaret Thatcher.

What a refreshing tonic is President Trump! He is openly standing against the attempts of socialism to gain full centralized control of the USA. He does what I’ve been yearning for over a very long time. He calls out the press for their lies and false narratives, supports the second amendment, celebrates the role of faith, eschews red tape, cuts regulation, confounds the regulators, has cut taxes, and respects the constitution. He is restoring the military, and bringing mutual respect of other nations. He hates the murder of the unborn, and loves the life saving medical possibilities for those babies who are born. He celebrates with the successes of the private entrepreneur.

Therefore, I am refreshed and invigorated to see a man in President Trump who has found his niche, his purpose, his destiny. That journey is more difficult than some imagine. Trump reminds us that we don’t have to accept mediocrity in government, and we are a free people. We are a free people to the extent that we stand against socialism of every kind, and act on our faith. As POTUS, he has far exceeded my expectations, and delightfully so.

Oh, What World Will It Be?

I have 4 grandchildren and 1 more on the way!  Of course, they bring much joy as they learn, grow and discover our world, their world.  The experience of observing their experience is exciting and rewarding!  What will their world be?  What will be the opportunities, challenges and life decisions?

Will they be inundated with the usual form of government which enslaves them with those typical demands?  Will they be forced to conform in the name of safety, technological advancements and high financial costs?

Or will they learn the value of personal achievement, and decision making that expresses their individual sovereignty?

I see today so many a downcast countenance resulting from that feelling that one can not improve one’s lot in life due to governmental, and societal corrals built against and around us.  Political Correctness (PC), seems to rule the day on every front.  Mao would be so happy, “Toe the Party Line!”

Is there hope for my grandchildren?  Yes!  We live in the one exception to the ordinary when it comes to our form of government.  Self government!  Self government to be sure, requires of each citizen personal responsibility.

I unequivocally support the second amendment!  Why?  Because it restricts the government and calls upon the citizen for great responsibility.  It demands upon us for high ethical standards at the most critical of human endeavor, the power over life and death in the matter of self defense.  We are born with this right to self defense.  And we must exercise the right to enjoy possession of the right.  Right choices are forced upon each individual in the face of this incredible responsibility.

So I hope for my grandchildren that they will make life decisions that reflect their individual sovereignty.  That they will never settle for less.  That they will reject dependency upon big, bloated, socialistic forms and functions of government.  That they will come to understand in practical ways how unusual in the course of history the United States of America really is.  That they will be personally responsible for the success of themselves and their fellow citizens and neighbors.

Thank you for visiting and reading.


What was the mood, the posture or stance of the Christians in Germany during the late 1930’s?

The question is genuine. My sense of the matter is that when most want to be passive, and inner feelings, and intuitions say we should, there are only few who get it, we must stand up for what is right.
What does God expect of us? Defend the innocent, defeat the wicked. We brought the great war to and end, not by passivity, but by well orchestrated actions…actions that have seared our own souls.
Perhaps some want to engage in “white guilt.” Some in “Christian guilt.” I reject both. We are obliged to do what is right. Not what we feel, but what is morally, doctrinally, right.
The future is not pretty. But peace doesn’t not come through passivity or weakness. Peace comes through strength. Enemies and potential enemies must have the clear understanding that we are not soft target victims ready for their plunder and deceit.
I am not recommending a hostile stance. I am merely pointing out that through word and deed, our position points everyone to freedom. We will not accept domination from any.
This is like Germany, 1938-9. It is not a time for Christians to accept the “sit down, shutup” orders of the pc left. It is time to be active in our faith in its every expression. Stand for the right doings and the right sayings, in word and deed be all you were created to be.

On Abortion, This is a Life Meant to Be

When Life Begins…
The discussion about when life begins is moot. Life began a very long time ago, or is just plain eternal without beginning or end. That any mammalian pregnancy is in progress can be measured with modern technology, and often by a mother herself from the earliest of times in that progress. None of this is really relevant in discussions on abortion. The subject is less about whether there is life, but about how and when that life may be “ended.” Life indeed, may not end with cessation of our bios. So to the point, abortion.
The word itself means that something is going to be interrupted or completely “stopped.” So what exactly is it here that is being stopped when we speak of “abortion?” A number of things. First the bios of the individual living inside the mother will end. Second, the tenure on this planet of the soul within that bios will be prevented from enjoying and suffering the impacts of our environment. Third, the current population outside the womb, will be prevented from enjoying the company and contributions of this new individual. Fourth, those who abort or stop the progression of the pregnancy prematurely, are guilty of homicide. They will have killed a human life. Whether that human individual was in or out of the womb has no substantial bearing on this rather uncomfortable fact.      
As to the first, there are times when for known or unknown reasons, an individual within the womb may die. Nature has strange ways of this happening, sometimes we might be able to tell what went “wrong,” other times we must grieve the loss and are forced to move on. This painful fact of life does not excuse those who seem to find reason to justify their direct action in ceasing the life in utero. We are not authorized to deliberately end life out of the bounds of normal survival needs found everywhere in this world.  
Pregnancy and birth may be the opinion of nature that life should continue. So, there is intentionality to pregnancy and birth. The progress of life will continue. It is a beautiful thing. So who in the world are you to think you are authorized and by whom, that you can end, terminate, or abort that pregnancy. Whatever your intentions, they are less grand than the intention of life itself, that life should continue. Indeed, every precaution should be taken to preserve, encourage, and build the chances of this individual’s life, that can be afforded it by the parents involved. As I write this, my daughter is pregnant with her second child, and my fourth grandchild. Those terms are not accidental! Each life is so precious! We have relational terminology, built up in cultures over thousands of years, family terms, designating our place in the lives of people we love, support, nurture, and finally grieve when the causes of nature remove their presence here. Some of us even believe the life continues when the bios drops away, and we will meet again in the unseen places beyond our current reach. Insult me not with your excuses that lead you to believe you may end a human life for convenience. Life should continue.  
We enjoy new life coming into our presence, then developing into adulthood. We teach children, imparting all our wisdom learned from our shared experience to them that we possibly can. As experience, combined with intellect moves in to their future, the possibilities explode with new experiences. Who in the year 500BC, could have anticipated the flushing toilet, the electric light bulb, the trip to the moon and beyond? History is replete with stories of famous, creative exceptional people who were almost or unsuccessfully aborted. Why must this madness continue? It doesn’t have to continue. I urge you to abort the abortion industry. That’s right, industry. For many, abortion is a matter of convenience, ending an unexpected pregnancy, for the providers it is a never ending source of “test tissue” on which they can commit untold atrocities. Such people are seared in the soul to a point where there is little chance of returning to being the type of caring, nurturing, loving individuals they ought to be.  
We don’t have babies for new victims upon which to experiment. We don’t have babies to enjoy as toys. We have them as a natural process of continuing life in the context we find ourselves in, on this planet, in the here and now. Babies, in or out of the womb are to be respected as individually sovereign, just adults are.  
Homicide occurs whenever a human life is taken by another human. Sometimes, and under certain conditions, homicide is also called murder. This has to do with the context, that is the means, intent and opportunity to do so. Abortion is not the result of a car accident, a plane crash, a house fire or drowning. Those are called accidents. They are not planned. They are not opportunistic. An abortion betrays an opportunist. Indeed, the opportunity lasts less than nine months. Yes, you could wait till after the birth to murder the individual, but the law speaks to that rather clearly in most cases. Yet under the law, things are convoluted severely for the unborn. That they are not protected by law very well, does not preclude their natural rights as sovereign individuals. Abortion requires means, hence the specialized “clinics.” Abortion requires intent to kill the baby. A surgery in close proximity to a living baby in the womb, could be undertaken with little danger to the unborn child. There is no doubt in my mind that abortion is indeed, murder. The responsibility for the murder is something to be worked out by that culture in which it occurs. It is not the subject of this specific blog post.  
That young women are drawn into this “procedure” by the temptation of convenience, threats, fear of ostracism, guilt or whatever, by the cruel who promote abortion, does not justify this barbaric practice. We are in this life. It is a gift to us to be here. What we do with that gift, is our gift back to life itself, to every other person we encounter here, indeed to people we may never meet. I’ve never met Thomas Edison, but I am thankful for his contributions.  
Life Does Not End…
If you are a person suffering the aftermath of an abortion, there is hope for you. If you had an abortion, or performed abortions, There is hope. There is forgiveness. This is a deeply personal hurt and burden which must be shared to be endured and healed. There are wonderful spiritual resources available through which you may resolve issues in the aftermath of abortion. The purpose of this blog post is not to berate someone who is affected by the subject. Life is what is at stake here. Once a life has been taken from us, it cannot be brought back. It can be grieved, though, healing can come. I urge you if need be to search for these very available resources to be found in your church or synagogue or appropriate counselors.    

If You Carry a Firearm…

On February 14, 2015, my son and I took the PDH1, Personal Defense Handgun level 1 class at the REACT training facility near Bend, OR. I am submitting this brief review.

This basic class is packed with very high level instruction that advances the student beyond what most basic, entry level classes will. Please don’t miss what you just read. The class starts you with advanced level habits (which of course depend on your personal practice after taking the class).

The class is 8 hours, come well rested and ready to learn. The instructor was very student friendly, welcoming all questions, and very able to segue back to his topic. The experience was positive, personal, and professionally conducted. The class is SAFE and promotes the very best in firearms handling with safety habits practiced always.

Three primary areas are covered thoroughly. First is Oregon law regarding firearms, an actual read through of statutory law. Time wise, this is the longest portion of the class which is good. Firearms ownership and bearing of arms is a most serious responsibility of citizenship.

Second, interlaced with the classroom instruction, and a welcome opportunity to stretch, was practical instruction on holstering, elements of the draw, and specific handling necessary to safety and self defense.

Third, came the live fire training, expending about 50 rounds from your firearm, and learning range rules and safety protocols around other students. Individual instruction was paramount here, with much time spent answering questions and addressing introductory matters appropriate to an introductory class.

Fourth, and very unusual in an entry level class, was the simulation training. This I believe to be unusual in a basic class, and is a real bonus. The simulation tested in as real an environment as possible the things learned throughout the day. A debriefing after the session was most interesting. It was fun, humbling, and revealing for each individual. Airsoft weapons were used, along with appropriate safety gear, giving the simulation a very real feel.

I highly recommend you get training such as this if you plan to carry your gun. I doubt you’ll find a better instruction experience anywhere. REACT has additional training available with multiple weapon choices and expert instructors. I cannot recommend them any higher.

Whether you are in law enforcement, or a citizen carrying a gun for personal protection, nothing is more important than knowing the law, and knowing the fight involving the weapon system of your choice. The responsibilities are enormous and life changing. So, please, get training from professionals, not from TV! Proper handling, storage, safe use are all well developed in their sophistication. There are many things to learn. Please take advantage of the many fine opportunities available!

I must close with an important caveat. I do not believe in compulsory, government enforced training. I believe in freedom, and the responsibilities it demands. Perhaps the best way to lose freedom, is to be ignorant of the freedom we love.

Take a look at reacttraining.com

“Aim small, Miss small.”

The Individual Sovereign

“A well regulated militia being necessary to security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

The power to bring death is the assurance of individual sovereignty. The ability to control that power is what makes civility. From hunting food, to defending self, family and community, the ability and skills necessary to kill provide an individual not only with the means to survive, but to thrive and make decisions about polity within the civil society.

Without the power of death, the individual is not really sovereign at all. With that, the individual is vested with a great deal of responsibility to be ethical, morally guided by strong principles to protect his family and community. How can I be assured that my choices are honored if I have not the power to threaten, to depose tyrants, if I have not the power they have assumed to themselves?

Yet, if I abuse that power, I do not deserve that power. In essence this is the definition of crime. Killing and murdering are two distinct things, though the act may look very similar. It is the individual abuse of powers vested in the individual by natural law. The right must be exercised only for defensive or survival purposes, or be lost. The community being threatened by such abuse, now has the responsibility to remove the sovereignty from such an individual. Indeed, one who demonstrates inability to control power over life and death, must not be allowed to have that power any longer.

This is also why those who have demonstrated no disposition to crime, be vested with the right, the authority to keep and to bear arms. This right must not be infringed lest it be lost. It is the responsible person who is the “well regulated.” The mature man, free and strong must protect these values from his position of strength, his position of having the power of lethality. For if the responsible person is infringed upon, then he is vulnerable to the unscrupulous, victim to the irresponsible, and eviscerated by any who abuses the power over life and death, be it scoundrel or force of government. But if he remains free, without infringement, then he can protect and preserve and encourage the civil society.

Choosing to participate in the civil society is an act of the individual sovereign. It is an act of one with the power over life and death. But if that participation is to remain in force, there is the need to freely, but responsibly exercise the use of deadly force. Herein lies the rub with modern society in the United States. It is as though the individual no longer has the choice of participation. This is the offense of “political correctness.” I may not agree with the apparent choices presented by pop culture or media or government. My choices are not honored in the social contract. My choices not being honored, how then am I to remain sovereign?

“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, …” (Declaration of Independence).
I do not know whether this necessity has come upon us just yet. Yet! Yet, it seems to fast approach! The time has certainly come to declare the causes which impel us toward possible separation. I’ll keep that for later.

First, to address our options. The second amendment must stand unfettered. I mean all the current infringements operating against it must fall down. Spurious laws infringing it must be repealed. The arguments as to which those are will be too many to cover here, but to suffice it to say, the federal government has become too powerful when it blocks us from enjoying the freedoms of natural law.

The second option is to exercise the 5th article of the constitution. This means the states must regain their original powers of censure over the federal government. A convention of the states may bring amendments, or repeal amendments as seen fit to reduce the power of the federal government from this posture of threatening both individual sovereignty and state sovereignty.

Simply voting is not an option, unless preceded by a massive spiritual awakening, thereby voting in the properly moral people to offices across the land. The federal government is currently operating out of sync with the people. Expecting the federal government to reform itself is laughable at this point.

If the United States of America is to thrive on, individual sovereignty must be addressed at all levels. The rights of the individual have been abrogated at nearly all levels. Currently, across the nation, anti second amendment forces are gathering momentum to infringe upon this most sacred and powerful authority granted to individuals by natural law. The more they succeed, the closer we are driven to the inevitable, the collapse of the civil society, the fall of the social contract, that course of human events in which we must chart a new course. In that course, we will “…appeal to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions.” (Declaration of Independence). For it is with our individual sovereignty that we must forge ahead.


I want to protect and defend the entire constitution of the United States of America. I pledge to do so. In particular, though, the 2nd Amendment stands out to me as preeminent. It demands responsibility of all who enjoy it. It condemns those who abuse it.

Throughout history, tyrants have first sought to separate their subjects from this right to self defense for obvious reasons. After all, it is difficult to abuse those who can and will fight back. That is what makes the USA so very unique, indeed, exceptional in world history. Our founding principle was to protect citizens, so that we would never become subjects.

Yet, in the state of Oregon, history has brought us to a culmination of hatred for the freedoms and obligations that I’m addressing. In the following link, let the reader peruse Democrat proposals in our new legislative session. I’ll place the link at the bottom of my remarks, in order that my reader might actually finish reading my thoughts here.

My criticism of these several bills may be generally summed up in that they have one common theme, that is not mentioned. Everyone of them has an underlying strategy. That is to reveal to the government exactly who owns what weapon. The real goal of each bill is to discreetly encase in law the registration of firearms. Grandpa’s old gun, sitting quietly in some safe now, will be insured…and that process alone will suffice to register it with the government. And registration, history teaches us, leads to confiscation. It is already happening in CA, NY and CT. These schemes, if passed, are going to paralyze the exercise of freedom, of the 2nd Amendment in Oregon. Full of toxic, paralyzing, infringing, entangling rules and regulations, they will have their intended effect: the ban on the free exercise of the right to self defense. Yes, every tyrant’s wet dream.

Do you doubt me? I would urge you to research the regulations already in effect in many other states. CA, NJ, NY IL, and on and on. In other words, the enemies of freedom know they can’t get an outright ban or repeal of the 2nd Amendment. But with the funding of billionaires like Paul Allen, Bill Gates, and Michael Bloomberg to name a few, they know that states where citizens are lulled into a false sense of security, will be ensnared by these laws before even knowing of their passage.

The 2nd Amendment stands out among our God given freedoms. The 2nd Amendment is there to protect the other enumerated rights in the constitution. The 2nd Amendment is the only one that demands, “…shall not be infringed.” This is a categorical imperative ruling out feckless encroachments upon the right to keep and to bear arms by individual citizens.

So wake up, my fellow Oregonians! Wake up, before it is too late. The crime rates have gone down in the last 20 years or so, even though gun ownership has risen dramatically. We don’t need these draconian, freedom killing, unconstitutional laws. We need responsible citizens, and we need responsible politicians too. Let’s do this!

Ignorant and Free?

Ignorant and Free?

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free . . . it expects what never was and never will be” (Thomas Jefferson)

So what are the means by which we could be knowledgeable enough to maintain our freedom? Certainly the media is one vehicle for this function, yet for many years now the media has sided with one rather ugly movement in our culture, namely progressivism. This has hampered the general knowledge base of our people.

Our schools, certainly should help us avoid the pitfalls of ignorance. Yet, sadly they have also fallen into the progressive ideology. They are supporting the big government narrative of Saul Alinsky. Enter “common core,” essentially sold on the notion that all children will learn the same or similar things in school, thereby making standardized testing for example, more doable. Yeah. While the method could be useful in some ways, I have another word for what’s really going on, it’s called propaganda.

So, if the media and education are failing the country, and I contend they are by propagandizing rather than informing us of our history, our exceptionality, our current standing in the world, and our dreams for the future, what is left as a means to recreate and maintain our freedom. Yes, I said recreate. We have lost vast dimensions of freedom since our founding. We are losing the value of self-reliance, intuition, honest research, and personal integrity.

There are those who seem to pin hopes on our bloated, bureaucratic Washington, DC government to fix itself. I see no hope there. The rewards of cronyism have set into both political parties to a point of no return. Integrity has been reduced to not getting caught, or lying when they do get caught. It has been and can be said that the gluttonous grab for power and the corruption that accompanies it produces resume enhancement rather than the end of careers.

To begin with, I’m not ready to give up on media, schools, government, etc.. Things have a way of going full circle. Circumstances can change dramatically to force change on these, even though both seem recalcitrant right now.

There is hope from the impact of high tech on education. As more people place their children in home schooling, or private, or charter schools, there is the hope that the internet, wifi libraries, and the general explosion of creativity will produce forward thinking young people full of zeal for opportunities. The open question here of course, is what are they learning? Is it all future? Or are they going to be advantaged by learning the past too? Failure to learn our past is failure to be guided and safeguarded by the advantage of learning from past mistakes.

There is also a constitutional way out of the current crisis. Article 5 allows not only the congress, but the states to amend the constitution by their own convention, without Federal involvement or interference. While this is a solution perhaps requiring years, it could provide corrections to our federal government, that has become unresponsive to the people. So be on the lookout for the COS, the Convention Of the States.

I am optimistic that the real solutions will come from the people. Freedom is, I believe, inherent to the condition of the human heart. We were created with a yearning to be self-reliant, self-governing, self-supporting to the end of helping one another. Of what good am I, if I have none of my own power to assist my family, my neighbor, and my community?

People don’t naturally like to be ignorant either. Ignorance places the individual at the mercy of the evil doer and the merely oportunistic. Ignorance turns a citizen into a serf. The people, with their natural thirst for freedom and knowledge, respect themselves enough to stand up to tyrants. And tyrants seem to be plentiful these days. So we have lots of practice ahead in standing up to them.

Never, ever give up on freedom!

Obama “celebrates…”

Obama: Muslims Built ‘The Very Fabric of Our Nation’ http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/07/28/Obama-Celebrates-Muslim-Contributions-to-the-USA
This is insulting and infuriating! These people have done nothing of the kind. The wounds of 911 have destabilized our country. These wounds have not been healed. There is no liberty in Islam. Participants therein are subjugated, dominated and murdered when they express individual liberty such as Americans know it.
My contempt for a reckless and foolish president are the more intensified!

Here is what John Quincy Adams wrote about the Islamic prophet Mohammed:

In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the preternatural energy of a fanatic, and the fraudulent spirit of an impostor, proclaimed himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. Adopting from the sublime conception of the Mosaic law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God; he connected indissolubly with it, the audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle. Adopting from the new Revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution, he humbled it to the dust, by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. THE ESSENCE OF HIS DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST: TO EXALT THE BRUTAL OVER THE SPIRITUAL PART OF HUMAN NATURE. [emphasis in the original]”

When Islam comes to majority in any country, you will see this emphasis of the brutal over the spiritual increase dramatically.