If You Carry a Firearm…

On February 14, 2015, my son and I took the PDH1, Personal Defense Handgun level 1 class at the REACT training facility near Bend, OR. I am submitting this brief review.

This basic class is packed with very high level instruction that advances the student beyond what most basic, entry level classes will. Please don’t miss what you just read. The class starts you with advanced level habits (which of course depend on your personal practice after taking the class).

The class is 8 hours, come well rested and ready to learn. The instructor was very student friendly, welcoming all questions, and very able to segue back to his topic. The experience was positive, personal, and professionally conducted. The class is SAFE and promotes the very best in firearms handling with safety habits practiced always.

Three primary areas are covered thoroughly. First is Oregon law regarding firearms, an actual read through of statutory law. Time wise, this is the longest portion of the class which is good. Firearms ownership and bearing of arms is a most serious responsibility of citizenship.

Second, interlaced with the classroom instruction, and a welcome opportunity to stretch, was practical instruction on holstering, elements of the draw, and specific handling necessary to safety and self defense.

Third, came the live fire training, expending about 50 rounds from your firearm, and learning range rules and safety protocols around other students. Individual instruction was paramount here, with much time spent answering questions and addressing introductory matters appropriate to an introductory class.

Fourth, and very unusual in an entry level class, was the simulation training. This I believe to be unusual in a basic class, and is a real bonus. The simulation tested in as real an environment as possible the things learned throughout the day. A debriefing after the session was most interesting. It was fun, humbling, and revealing for each individual. Airsoft weapons were used, along with appropriate safety gear, giving the simulation a very real feel.

I highly recommend you get training such as this if you plan to carry your gun. I doubt you’ll find a better instruction experience anywhere. REACT has additional training available with multiple weapon choices and expert instructors. I cannot recommend them any higher.

Whether you are in law enforcement, or a citizen carrying a gun for personal protection, nothing is more important than knowing the law, and knowing the fight involving the weapon system of your choice. The responsibilities are enormous and life changing. So, please, get training from professionals, not from TV! Proper handling, storage, safe use are all well developed in their sophistication. There are many things to learn. Please take advantage of the many fine opportunities available!

I must close with an important caveat. I do not believe in compulsory, government enforced training. I believe in freedom, and the responsibilities it demands. Perhaps the best way to lose freedom, is to be ignorant of the freedom we love.

Take a look at reacttraining.com

“Aim small, Miss small.”

Author: Rodney John Tombleson

Raised in Columbia basin of Oregon. High school class of 1971. Married, 1974 BA, 1980 MDiv', 1985 Currently retired. I needed an outlet for my thoughts, so I decided to try a little blogging.